A sneak peek at Chapters 1 & 2 (rough draft) of Root Position.
Wherein we are introduced to the world of Evorstrom through the eyes of its One True Saant, Chinz'Aree Bohk. Every living thing in the world is marked by one of eight divine, elemental signs but Chinz'Aree has the privilege to have two!
A strange new species of people living remotely in hovering citadels have appeared from the far reaches of the world. These people have genetic traits of both humanoids and goblinoids and they bring with them fantastical magic tools that allow anyone to wield magic of any sign!
edited July 11, 2024

Meet Trentin Fiikus and the "Crazy Elves From Earlier" in the PROLOGUE scene that set them out into the big wide world that only knows One True Saant, and it's not Trentin.
edited August 24, 2024