Fleet Jobs and Duty Profiles
The Baschun Fleet segments its service members into 8 service Divisions of specialized training. Each Division oversees and implements a vast array of services and knowledge from political interactions with the far-flung governments to conflict resolution to scientific research, exploration and terraforming new worlds.
The uniforms of each Division are identified with a specific color, a Division insignia and a Department specialization patch. There are five Departments within each Division and any number of sub-specialties within a department.
General Duties: Administration, Personnel Relations, Fleet Regulations, Diplomacy, Recreation & Entertainment, Logistics and Planning, Law, History, Sociology, Anthropology.
Uniform Color: Ruby
In the early days of the Fleet the Agency Division was reserved for those serving leadership detail onboard a ship or star base. As the fleet grew and more colonies were established, the sheer weight of bureaucracy required to manage the organization became unwieldy and managerial duties were allocated to a newly-created Command Division.
With the recent restructuring of the fleet due to the Kruu'Koree incursion, it was decided that the Agency division’s primary responsibilities are to internally regulate the rules of the fleet, to interface with the cultures and governments of all the galactic member states, to facilitate fleet recreation and to externally represent the fleet’s mission and standards through its diplomatic corps. Because of the nature of its research, the Sociology and Anthropology departments were transferred out of Health and into Agency.
The primary departments of Agency are:
Diplomacy [Dipl] - the diplomatic corps brokers treaties, disputes and negotiations between Situdel members, trade entities and rogue organizations. Fleet ambassadors serve as official representatives of the Citadel government to political institutions. Recruitment of viable candidates for the Academy and for enlistment is a task assigned to this department in conjunction with the Training Department (OPS).
Regulations [Regs] - the legal department is responsible for the creation and oversight of Fleet codes, procedures and laws as well as Situdel law adjudication over Situdel members and colonies. Fleet accountants work in this department, often in conjunction with economists from the Theoretics department (SCI).
Logistics [Logi] - organizing the daily operations of a ship or station is complex. Communications from within and without need to directed appropriately and interactions with third parties to complete missions must stay on task. Everything from eating schedules and flight operations to making a rendezvous with a replenishment ship to organizing the massive efforts to keep Situdel colonies supplied requires a high degree of coordination.
Recreation [Recr] - Morale is important to maintain aboard ship and station, especially during long voyages between missions. Entertainment and off-duty activities are organized by rest and relaxation officers and crew. Musicians and other performers serve in this department.
Social-Antrhopology [SoAn] - Once part of the Science division, the study of culture and society is vital to maintaining peace between the disparate species of the Situdel, despite their common ancestry. The understanding of fundamental laws, history, structures and interactions between citizen and civilian is of vital importance to the Situdel in its efforts to manage such a large governmental institution is handled by this department of historians, anthropologists and sociologists.

General Duties: Ship/Facility Repair, Ship/Facility Construction, Equipment & Weapon Maintenance and Invention, Propulsion Systems Design & Maintenance, Power Production.
Uniform Color: Copper
The folk that keep the ships flying and the bases from falling out of orbit are the Fleet engineers. They design, build, repair and maintain nearly every piece of equipment utilized in the fleet. Weapons, engines, printers, sensors, hull structures, terraforming factories, air production and artificial gravity are just some of the elements that they deal with on a daily basis.
Onboard a ship, engineers become specialized in repair and maintenance or in working with the science and operations departments to invent and construct new technology. The only systems that the engineers do not hold in their purview are the computers themselves.
New to the Engineering Corps' Weapons Department are specialized mechanics who design, maintain and repair the fledgling depot of mechanized cannons (tanks) and small fighter craft.
The primary departments of Engineering are:
Structural [Strc] - Responsible for the maintenance and repair of physical facilities such as the interior and exteriors of ships and stations fall to structural engineers. They can also be designers of vehicles and buildings, be city planners and builders of heavy equipment.
Environmental [Envr] - Theses engineers care for the large-scale equipment that creates and maintains suitable living conditions aboard ships and stations including artificial gravity, atmosphere scrubbers, water filtration and hydroponic equipment. They also design and repair terraforming installations.
Device [Devc] - These specialists design, maintain and repair tools, equipment and appliances, including the elaborate crew uniforms. They are colloquially called the “toy tinkers” by many in the fleet. These engineers tend to work very closely with the specialists in the Computer department as most equipment is made to interface with a crewper's uniform systems.
Weapon [Wepn] - These experts that design and maintain hand-held and vessel weapon systems, create ordinance, build non-projectile weapons for Security and Mareendoos, and integrate combat tools into uniforms and vehicles such as the mobile tank cannons and new fighter craft.
Propulsion [Prop] - These experts design and service the complex ship gravimetric engines as well as the fleet FTL gate network that operate on similar principles as the sub-light engines. They generally work in close tandem with the Physics, Astronomy and Dynamic Space Departments. Some of them also specialize in small vehicle engines for mechs, fighter drones and shuttles.

General Duties: Vessel Navigation, Astronomy, studying Streaming Space, mapping space and searching for terra formable planets, Fighter Piloting, Shuttle/Small Craft Piloting.
Uniform Color: Silver
Every pilot in the fleet, be they one of the newly-created Fighter Corps or the standard large vessel helm operators is a member of the Flight Division. Along with the new wave of small fighter craft development has come the need for shipboard command and direction of the assigned fighter squadrons - a task generally shared by Navigation and Infiltration crew..
Most fleet captains and officers are unfamiliar with the needs and capabilities of the fighter craft, let alone how to maximize their use in engagements against the Kruu'Koree.
Pulled from the Science Division, astronomers, Streaming Space specialists and material space specialists now operate under the purview of Flight Division.
The primary departments of Flight are:
Navigation [Navi] - the navigators and helm operators of the Fleet’s large space craft formerly served in Tactical Division. Navigators need to be able to pilot ships through normal space, along gravity accelerator highways between solar systems, in atmosphere and in the vagaries of streaming space. With the swarm-like tactics of the Krukari invaders, skilled navigators are more in demand on the war front than ever.
Astronomy [Astr] - is the department, formerly part of Science Division, responsible for researching, detecting, measuring and analyzing the composition and nature of stellar bodies and phenomenon of normal space. Utilization of onboard sensor equipment is tasked to these people.
Dynamic Space Metrics [DySp] - is the department responsible for researching, detecting, measuring and analyzing the composition and nature of dynamic space, commonly called Streaming Space. The hazards of traveling the FTL dimension are great and the computations to “stay afloat” in Streaming Space are decidedly complex.
Shuttle Pilots [PiSh] - the crewpers responsible for operating Fleet small craft are collectively called shuttle pilots. Atmospheric drop craft, cargo transports, crew haulers and the newly-appointed mech droppers (used to take gun mechs onto planet surfaces) are all in the purview of these pilots.
Fighter Pilots [PiFt] - With the development of small fighter drones, a new type of pilot needed to be trained to operate them through VR interfaces or live in the cockpit. An ongoing rivalry between the “fliers” and the “tanks” has arisen. The mech drivers of Tactical Division claim they are the braver warriors since they physically pilot their mobile gun platforms while the fighter pilots stay all safe and cozy in their VR cockpits aboard ship, though current circumstances are putting more live pilots in the fighter drones than had been the norm.

General Duties: Life sciences and personal health and well-being, disease treatment and research, pharmaceutical and dietary needs, mental health, physical health, triage, animal husbandry, farming and the growing of food, repair-installation-maintenance of biotech in ships and infrastructures.
Uniform Color: Amethyst
The Division of Health is responsible maintaining the physical, dietary and mental health of all fleet members and it covers all life science research and implementation (biology, bio-chemistry, botany, zoology, genetics and bioethics).
Woven deeply into the aspect of interstellar travel and colonization of new planets is the specific dietary needs of each member of the Fleet as each genetic culture has its own flora and fauna. Life scientists work closely with the Science Department in order to determine a planet’s viability for terraforming and follow up with the implementation of growing crops, raising livestock and establish biodiversity.
The primary departments of Health are:
Medical [Medi] - The Medical Department is responsible for the care and treatment of Fleet personnels' physical health. Medics treat injuries and disease while doctors operate as researchers in everything from gene therapy to new disease treatment.
Psychiatric [Psyc] - The Psychiatric department is comprised of mental health professionals who are charged with researching and treating mental diseases as well as offering therapy to relieve anxiety and emotional stress. It is not uncommon for Counselors to accompany away missions with Diplomatic and Social-Anthropology specialists.
Bio-Chemistry [BiCh] - The Bio-Chemistry department studies the chemical processes of living organisms and specializes in the genetic dietary and pharmaceutical needs of each of the Situdel races and their food sources. Dietitians, pharmacists and nutritionists work in this department.
Zoology [Zool] - These biologists specialize in studying and researching animals. Small pets can be allowed onboard vessels and stations as they have proven to help with crew morale. Some zoologists are also veterinarians while others specialize in the growing of non-sentient protein “blobs” for dietary use. The zoologists that work on terraforming projects specialize in establishing biosphere stability.
Botany [Btny] - Botanical biologists specialize in studying and researching plants. Many of the systems onboard Fleet ships and stations utilize biological tech based on plants, most notably the power conduit systems. Some botanists work closely with engineers to with help maintenance and repair while others specialize in growing food plants to help feed the crew and Situdel populations.
General Duties: Computer Systems, Communication Systems, Electronic Combat, Data Transfer & Storage, Archives, Cargo & Supply Manufacturing, Training & Education, Safety Implementation and Training
Uniform Color: Gold
Every system on a ship or station is run with the aid of computers and communication systems. Fleet Operations staff and officers work to program, service and construct all computer and communication gear and equipment.
Operations staff are also the people that handle, distribute and maintain supplies and cargo and most of a ship’s small gear.
Training and continued education for all Fleet personnel falls under the purview of this division as well as those who are responsible for overseeing the implementation of all safety protocols. With all the varied systems of a ship or base, there is always the possibility of procedures being mishandled.
The primary departments of Operations are:
Computers [Comp] - the engineers that build, manage and maintain the computer systems of ships, stations and equipment serve in the Computer Department. Programming the functions of digital systems and building and maintaining the associated hardware falls under the purview of Computer specialists.
Safety [Safe] - a lot of work goes into inspecting and maintaining sanitation protocols, handling hazardous materials, waste and fire-control systems. Damage control teams serve in this department and often work in tandem with structural and environmental engineers. Recently the handling of ordinance has been transferred to this department as has the inspection of crew uniforms.
Supply [Supl] - These workers take care of physical cargo and supplies but they are also responsible for keeping omni-directional 3D printers and chemical “tech-baths” supplied with biological and chemical raw ingredients. Supply workers are usually given cleanup detail duties.
Communications [Coms] - the computer specialists that utilize the complex systems involved in maintaining long-range communications - via the jump gates and streaming space are a cross between computer engineers and quantum scientists. They also work in conjunction with Logistics to maintain constant and effective close range and onboard dialogue between crew, officers and missions.
Training [Tran] - while each department has specialized training regimens for their workers, the Training Department is specifically responsible for making sure all personnel are up to date on Fleet protocols and use of cross-discipline equipment. While most training utilizes virtual reality simulations, it still regulation that a live person implement each session. These specialists are also the primary teachers of cadets and new crew, they are cross-subject instructors and they coordinate referrals for promotion.

General Duties: Research and practical application of the physical sciences, terraforming qualified planetary bodies, ​theoretical experimentation, mining, colonial weather control.
Uniform Color: Sapphire
The people in charge of research, experimentation and development of the hard sciences in the Fleet work in the Division of Science. While the life sciences of biology, botany, zoology and bio-chemistry are the purview of the Health Division and the Division of Agency governs the social sciences of sociology and anthropology the Science Division specializes in physics, chemistry, the planetary sciences of geology-oceanography and meteorology. The application of astronomy and dynamic space studies has been transferred to the recently-founded Division of Flight since the complexity of faster-than-light travel through streaming space is intrinsically pertinent to navigation.
It is often required for scientists to work closely with R&D engineers and/or software developers of Operations when it comes to creating experimental technologies. It is not uncommon for crew and officers to switch departments between Science, Engineering and Operations a time or two in their career if technological development is one of their primary jobs.
The primary departments of Science are:
Chemistry [Chem] - This department’s specialists study elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions and their composition, structure, properties behavior and the changes they undergo during reactions with other substances. They work in tandem with most every scientific and engineering discipline as well as creating much of the raw material for the printing and manufacturing of supplies.
Physics [Phys] - these scientists study matter, energy, and force and its motion and behavior through space and time with a goal of understanding how the universe behaves. The advances in much of technology comes from the applications of physics. Physicists often work in close conjunction with Propulsion engineers as well as terraforming teams.
Theoretics [Thry] - this department not only houses mathematicians but any “unconventional thinking" discipline that seeks out answers to currently unknown things. These scientists can be hard to categorize and are often well-skilled in multiple scientific and engineering fields. They tend to be good at imagining possibilities and seeing if they are real or can be made into reality. Currently, they are leading the investigation into exactly WHAT the Krukari invading aliens are, WHERE they are from and WHAT they want.
Geo-Hydrology [GeHy] - one of the two primary science disciplines involved in the ever-ongoing terraforming of new planets is Geo-Hydrology. These scientists specialize in studying the geological viability of planets as well as the utilization of existing or manufactured water resources. Mining studies, particularly of asteroids, is governed by this department.
Meteorology [Metr] - Meteorology is one of the two primary science disciplines involved in the ever-ongoing terraforming of new planets. These scientists study the working of atmospheric conditions and weather upon planets and seek to maximize their viability to promote plant growth, atmospheric stabilization and habitable conditions for people and animals.

General Duties: Internal Security, Ground Troops, Investigation, Spy work, Ship/Station Weapon Operators, Cannoneers (mech drivers), Information Gathering & Intelligence, Combat Strategy.
Uniform Color: Emerald
Any officer or crew member directly involved in the security and protection of Fleet personnel and the inhabitants of the galaxy will likely serve in the Tactical Division. The ground troops used to assault planetary bases, the gun operators on a ship, and the vaunted mech-tank drivers, are sometimes the most feared members of the fleet.
A ship’s weapon coordinator serves on the bridge and is also in command of a vessel or facility’s internal security and investigation group. There are also shadowy officers trained in the art of infiltration and stealth who are rumored to masquerade as other types of officers and are thought to be the secret operatives of the Baschun Parliament's inner circle.
The primary departments of Tactical are:
Security [Secr] - this department is the police force of the galaxy and are something of a combination of investigators and soldiers. They serve as public constables for every colony and operate as investigators of crime as well as law enforcement when needed. Onboard starships and bases they work as the primary disciplinary officers and investigators into internal conflict issues and work closely with the Regulations department on internal affairs.
Mareendoo [Mrdo] - this department contains the combat soldiers of the Fleet. Actual military conflicts between colonial governments have been few and far between, but the perpetual threat of piracy and insurrectionists requires the Fleet to dedicate considerable resources to battling these rouge and ofttimes militarized forces. Onboard ships and bases they serve secondary roles as backup constabulary for the Security office. However, military code puts the Mareendoos in charge of situations of "significant combat threat” onboard vessels in place of security personnel. The Mareednoo detail is also responsible for the maintenance of physical fitness standards for all crew as well as looking after weapons caches.
Infiltration [Infl] - is in charge of espionage, undercover operations and military scouting missions. These operatives are naturally secretive causing endless rumors and conspiracy theories to abound. It is not uncommon for this department to work closely with the Diplomacy and Communications departments. Combat strategists and field commanders tend to serve in this department.
Gunnery [Gunr] - are the crew and officers trained to operate starship’s and station’s embedded weapon systems. Gunnery crew and officers are trained to operate and maintain all missile platforms, rail guns and the rare energy projection cannons. Traditionally Fleet vessels are armed with a relatively limited array of weaponry as few ships outside of the Fleet have access to materials that can match Fleet armament.
Tank Drivers [Tank] - With the arrival of the alien Kruu'Koree invaders and their utilization of massive swarms of armed bio-drones, the Fleet has been forced to revamp their space combat operations. The handful of large weapon platforms aboard most ships and stations proved entirely unable to target enough attacking alien bio-mechs to be of much use. Hence, the development of mobile, mechanized gun platforms - mechs - that can be deployed to the outer hull of vessels and stations without incurring material and time-consuming efforts of remodeling. Soldiers, and some pilots, have been trained to operate these large gun suits. An additional use for the mechs has been for construction and heavy cargo lifting.